Why You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist North Shore

Teeth damage can happen anytime, whether from a sports injury, accident or simply eating something hard. Often, it leads to a dental emergency and requires urgent dental care.

The best thing to do in this situation is to stay calm and seek help. Luckily, many emergency dentist North Shore work odd hours to help people needing immediate dental care.


emergency dentist North ShoreA toothache is the most common reason people visit an emergency dentist. It can be a warning sign that the tooth or gums are infected or if you have a severe cavity. This kind of pain is unbearable and needs to be treated immediately. You must visit an emergency dentist directly if you have a terrible toothache that persists even after rinsing the mouth with warm water and avoiding hard foods.

The most common causes of toothache are decay and untreated advanced gum disease. These can wear down the enamel and expose the tooth’s pulp, which is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, and produce acids that eat through the enamel. This leads to a painful sensation that cannot be stopped by taking over-the-counter painkillers or using hot or cold compresses.

You can also experience a toothache if you have a root fracture. This can happen when you bite down or chew something complex that is too big for your teeth and strains the tooth’s roots. Suppose you experience a sharp, throbbing pain that continues to persist for more than 24 hours and has accompanied by swelling in the area around the tooth or pus discharge. In that case, you should seek emergency dental care immediately. For more information about the emergency dentist North Shore, visit Affordable Dentists now.

Visiting an emergency dentist in New York City is one of the best ways to get immediate relief for your dental problems. These clinics are open around the clock and can treat a variety of oral emergencies, including knocked-out teeth, cracked teeth, and toothaches. You can find the nearest emergency dentist in your area by calling a local directory service or a dental referral service.

In addition to helping you find a local emergency dentist, these services can provide tips on what to do when faced with a dental crisis. You can also use a mobile app to find a dentist. The application will also allow you to check out the reviews of different dentists. The app can help you choose a dentist for your emergency dental needs.

Broken Teeth

The type of dental trauma that requires emergency care typically includes a broken tooth or teeth. You might break a tooth by biting down hard, throwing a blow to the face while playing sports, or even grinding your teeth while asleep. These accidents can be hazardous if you don’t get the treatment you need immediately. For more information about the emergency dentist North Shore, visit Affordable Dentists now.

A minor crack in a tooth usually doesn’t hurt and can wait until you can get to the dentist, but any break that exposes your nerve must be seen as a dental emergency. If left untreated, this can lead to infection and severe health problems.

If you’re dealing with a severe break, your dentist may be able to save it by performing root canal treatment, and they might place a crown or fill on the tooth. If the break exposes your gum tissue, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.

Severe swelling in your mouth or jaw is another reason to call an emergency dentist North Shore immediately. This could indicate a bacterial infection that won’t go away on its own and must be treated with antibiotics. If the disease goes untreated, it can spread to other parts of your body and cause life-threatening conditions like sepsis.

If you experience this issue, rinse your mouth with warm water, apply pressure to stop bleeding, and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the tooth has been knocked out, try to grasp it by the crown (the part you can see above your gum line) and place it back into its socket if possible. Suppose you can’t preserve the tooth in a glass of milk or saltwater until you can get to your dentist. To manage discomfort, you can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like acetaminophen.

Broken Dental Appliances

Whether from poor eating habits, being careless, or just bad luck, broken dental appliances are often the result of unexpected dental emergencies. They can be highly uncomfortable and cause severe damage if left untreated. Luckily, a quick visit to an emergency dentist on North Shore can get you back on track with your smile. For more information about the emergency dentist North Shore, visit Affordable Dentists now.